Sputnik 1- The 1st Artificial Satellite

Date: October 4, 1957

On October 4th, The Russians launched Sputnik into space, making it the first ever Earth-orbiting artificial satellite and the first manmade object to be put into the Earth’s orbit. The R-7A was used in the firing of the satellite into space

“The world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a beach ball, weighed only 83.6 kg. or 183.9 pounds, and took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth on its elliptical path” (NASA.gov).

“The Sputnik launch changed everything…Its size was more impressive than Vanguard's intended 3.5-pound payload. In addition, the public feared that the Soviets' ability to launch satellites also translated into the capability to launch ballistic missiles that could carry nuclear weapons from Europe to the U.S” (NASA.gov). Although it was a great feat and achievement, people were still unsecure with Russia. Since it was still under Soviet control, their actions would have to be kept under watch. The use of the missiles in a wrong way would mean start of another war.
Sputnik’s launch came as an unnerving surprise to the United States. The space age had dawned and America’s Cold War rival suddenly appeared technologically superior” (NASM). This launch started new political, military, technological, and scientific developments. Sputnik’s launch commenced the start of the space race between the USSR and the United States.               

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